The Rolling Thunder Ride For Freedom is held every sing year on memorial day weekend in order to raise awareness about the plight of military veterans, prisoners of war, and those soldiers and people still missing in action. Memorial Day remembers those who passed away while serving in the nation’s armed forces. These brave souls deserve to be respected for all they have done to protect the nation. They were indispensable.
Marine Corps Veteran Staff Sergeant, Tim Chambers, has been a part of The Rolling Thunder event for years now. Often referred to as The Saluting Marine, this veteran can be seen in the event with his makeshift memorial, standing at attention in the middle of the street, while the bikers drive past him. Sometimes, he holds his salute for more than three hours in honor of his fellow brothers. He didn’t miss the event when he had a broken wrist, and he still does it with a medical condition on his back.
The bikers acknowledge him and salute him back. It might be a small gesture, but it is a powerful reminder about the sacrifices our military has done for us. This video from 2012 shows us an emotional moment between Tim Chambers and a female soldier who stops her bike in front of him. Wait till you see this! Watch the video below and don’t forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments section!
[ytvid id=”dLFFKJjp3nI”]
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