Tag: funny animals


These Owls Are Like Nothing You’ve Ever Seen – Prepare To Be In Stitches

She Goes On a Walk With Her Dogs, But Wait Till You See Who Follows…

Dad Comes Home From Work, Cockatoo Goes Into a Rant About the House Cat

Duck Runs Away With Cat’s Treats, but Watch What Crazy Cat Does for Payback!

Uptown Funk Starts Playing, These Adorable Kittens Can’t Stop Dancing To It

Dog is Crazy for Granny’s Singing but You’ll Lose it When You See Him Dance

Horse is Grazing Peacefully, But He Suddenly Feels Gas Building Up Inside…

They Hear Noise on the Trampoline – What Pops Up Has Them Running for a Camera

Parrot Thinks He’s Alone, So He Performs Incredible Irish Tap Dance Routine

Hippo Brings Everyone to Their Knees with Hilarious ‘Chain Saw’ Fart

Lonely Cockatoo Wants to Fit in With the Cats – What He Does is Hilarious

When Baby Elephant Couldn’t Catch Dog He was Chasing, His Reaction Was Priceless

When This Little Dog Opens His Mouth, You’re Going To Howl With Laughter!

Mom Tells Dog to Get Out of the Child’s Seat – Watch His Reaction

Dad Tells Dog He Gave His Treats to the Cat, I Can’t Stop Laughing at Dog’s Reaction

Boy Decides to See if Chicken Can Swim and Here’s What Happened