Tag: adoption


Adopted Boy Has Perfect Response When Kids Ask Why He’s Not White Like His Mom

Depressed Dog was Lonely for 2 Whole Years, Then She Picked Up a Familiar Scent…

Rescue Dog Leads Owner to Terrifying Realization and She Instantly Dials 911

During His Adoption Hearing This Toddler Made Everyone Cry With One Word

Family Decides to Foster Boy No One Wants and Quickly Discovers His True Colors


Parents Give Foster Child Adoption Papers for Christmas – His Reaction is Priceless

Bride’s Daughter Gives New Stepdad Best Possible Gift at Wedding


A Father Abandons His Adopted Daughter – But When He Looks In Rear-View Mirror…

Man Finds Doll on Subway Floor – Then Realizes Its a Newborn Baby!

Workers Find Pitbull Abandoned in Dumpster to be Crushed by Garbage Truck

She Meets Her Birth Mom After 70 Yrs – Now They’re Inseparable!

Couple Adopts 9-Year-Old And Learns Child’s Horrifying History

Struggling Mom Adopts Late Neighbor’s Kids – Then Christmas ‘Surprise Squad’ Shows Up


Soldier Forced to Leave Rescue Dog in Iraq Finally Reunites With Him Back Home


Homeless Man Slept Outside Animal Shelter to Find Lost Dog, Then the Staff Breaks the News to Him


Sweet Pooch Gets Surrendered To The Shelter, But Watch When He Doesn’t Let Go Of Owner’s Hands