In a lonely apartment, an unfortunate cat named Sylvester lived. In Ontario, Canada, the poor cat was trapped under a stairwell in a rundown house and did nothing but sit.
The water in the cat’s bowl was perpetually frozen due to the subzero temperatures. The cat had fleas, sores, and ear mites. Clearly, the little kitty wanted to be free. But for him, that old stinky stairwell was his home.
Rob Boisvert made it his mission to go help the sickly cat and its neglected state after hearing about it. He had no idea how bad it could get. He was surprised that such a place even existed.
“When I got there, I was taken back with just how bad it was,” Boisvert told I Heart Cats. “It was an actual real-life crack house.” But that wasn’t all; when the man approached the poor kitty, he discovered a note.
Slyvester was a feral cat. He never had any human touch in his life. So, he didn’t know if Rob was kind to him or another danger. But he was too tired of fighting and starving. He wanted to get out of that place. He wanted a help.
“He’s a sweet cat,” Boisvert explains. “Once I had him in the box, wrapped up in a blanket, he didn’t even try to get out…It was almost like he knew he was being saved.”

A new house and rodent-free future is the future for Sylvester. He’s left the vermin-infested house behind. Country Cat Sanctuary’s Gwen Thompson is nursing him back to health. Those ear mites and fleas have pretty much gone.
Sylvester was born into a hard existence and grew up without much love, but fortunately, a generous man decided to stick with him through everything. Thank you for sending Sylvester off on a joyful life! Watch the healthy Sylvester on the video here:
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