Robin Williams is globally recognized as one of the most iconic comedians of all time. But this deleted scene from his 1980s classic Mrs. Doubtfire shows Williams’s talent at dramatic scenes was every bit as good as his ability to tell a joke.
For the few out there who may not know movie’s plot, Williams’ character, Daniel Hillard loses custody of his children through after divorce. To secretly spend time with his children, whom he adores, he dresses like a woman, poses as a housekeeper–Mrs. Doubtfire–and is hired by his ex-wife.
In the scene after the entire scheme comes crashing down, his on-screen daughter asked why he can’t be Mrs. Doubtfire all the time or just simply pretend that he and his ex-wife are happy. His answer is so filled with emotion that I think it’s impossible to watch not to feel anything.
Chris Columbus, director of the movie, said the scene didn’t make the final cut is because it was “too heartbreaking.” And it easily proves that Williams was a brilliant actor who left us too soon. Watch the heartbreaking scene in the video below and and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought of Robin Williams’s performance.
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