Max was only nine months old when he went missing from his home in Tuscan, Arizona in 2016. His family searched for him for weeks, but to no avail. They started worrying that they would never see their German Shepherd puppy again. However, they didn’t lose complete hope.
Max’s owner, Janet Escarcega, said she felt like a piece of her had gone missing. His family was devastated and feared the worst. But after almost a year of waiting, Janet got a much-welcomed phone call.

The phone rang at 6:30 one morning. Escarcega was still half asleep when she answered it. The caller informed her that Max had been found because of his microchip. The pooch was discovered in Livonia, New York, more than 2,300 miles away from home.
Escarcega was shocked at what she heard. She immediately livened up
The family proved that Max was their dog and he was put on a plane to return home and reunite with them. Even after a year without them, Max recognized his family instantly. He ran up to Escarcega’s son and just couldn’t stop wagging his tail.

Nobody knows what the pooch went through in the year that he was lost, but what matters is that he is now where he truly belongs – back in the loving arms of his family!
If it wasn’t for the microchip, Max would probably still be without a family. His story just goes to show how important it is to microchip your pets. It also shows that you should never lose hope.
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