Even the thought of getting kidnapped can scare the bejesus out of us. The ordeal is frightening and topped with adrenaline; we try forcefully to get out of the situation. Host Jeff Rossen from Today Show explained freeing our hand from Zip-ties. And getting out car trunks is more accessible than we thought.
It all about maintaining that calm within us. Although that’s the last thing we think when locked up inside a car. In the recent episode, Jeff shared an easy trick of getting the Zip-ties out of our hand. The first lesson is to avoid getting aggressive. Jeff advises you to lift the arms as high as you can, then vigorously pull them down to the chest area. Remember to push your stomach out and keep the elbows as wide as you can.
This technique will crush the system that keeps the plastic locked together. And the Zip-ties will fall right off. Now about getting out of the trunk. Did you know since 2001, it is mandatory to have trunk latches inside every passenger car? So, all you have to do is find the latch that glows a little in the dark. If possible, try to move the hands around a bit. As seeing in the dark under immense pressure is difficult.
To understand more, please watch this episode of Today Show.
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