In my opinion, children have something extraordinary that adults lack. They haven’t experienced a lot in life. But because of that very reason, I feel like they are more in tune with their surroundings. This might be the reason why this fawn came to the little girl for help after separating from its mother.
The Herring family had just returned home after a canoeing trip. They were unpacking their car when they noticed a wild animal in their front yard. It was a baby deer! Moreover, it looked like the fawn was only years old by the looks of it walking. And among all the family members, the fawn approached little Maya.
You can see in the video that Maya and the fawn share a special connection. The newborn deer lets the girl pet it without any fear. But it’s what Maya does that will make your heart full. The girl who is wise beyond her years knew that the baby animal needed its mother, who was probably off eating and recuperating from birthing. So she leads it back to the woods, and the fawn happily follows! Later, the family sighted the doe and fawn reunited. Watch the incredible video below:
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