The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson was an American late-night talk show hosted by Johnny Carson under the Tonight Show franchise from 1962 to 1992. It originally aired during late night on NBC and was the highest–rated show of its kind, consistently ranking in the top 10 of the Nielsen ratings.
The show featured a monologue, celebrity interviews, comedy sketches, musical performances, and a wide variety of guest stars. It was an important part of American television history, and Carson was one of the most popular hosts in television history. Johnny was known for his comedic timing, quick wit, and charm, and is often cited as one of the greatest talk show hosts of all time. He had decades of hilarious guests and here’s one that can compete with any of them.
On this show, Carson had two “cowboy poets,” Waddie Mitchell and Baxter Black, who were in town for a western conference. After a little banter, Waddie launches into a cowboy poem that’s good but we’ve skipped it in this clip (feel free to backup and watch).
We start this clip with Baxter (right after Johnny makes fun of another guest, Robert Goulet). He explains recent research has discovered that “plants feel pain,” so he proceeds with his hilarious cowboy poem about making dinner from vegetables.
This is just as funny now as it was back then. Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!
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