Even if you don’t mean it, you may have accidentally eavesdropped on someone’s conversation especially if they talk loudly in public. Even when you’re not paying attention, you’ll still be able to hear others around you. Lucky for these strangers what they overheard wasn’t really true, but they didn’t know that. And their reactions were hilarious!
The video features a man with an English accent talking on the phone while standing beside a stranger. At first, a staff at a store was arranging clothes while the man congratulates a friend whose sister got pregnant. After a few seconds, he added that he was the father of the baby. The woman a few steps beside him became wide-eyed and laughed. In another clip, he explained how his rash was itchy and contagious. The woman who heard the conversation quickly looked at him and slowly walked away. The other clips show conversation about burying a neighbor’s cat in the garden to kissing his best friend’s mother… twice.

After the awkward phone conversations, the clips of ‘Excuse Me’ was included where the man went outside to ask strangers if they’ve seen a person he describes, starting with the words, “excuse me”. What’s funnier is that the strangers automatically answer “no” and did not realize that the description of the person he was looking for matches them.
The man in the video is Aaron Crascall, a Youtube and Vine star from Dover, Kent in England. Aside from ‘Awkward Phone Calls’, Crascall is also known for his other gags such as the ‘Beat Drops’ and ‘The Hand of Dance’. Watch the hilarious video compilation here:
What would you do if you overheard an awkward conversation? Leave a comment and share this with your friends and family to give them a good laugh.