3 Girls Gather to Sing “Hallelujah” but Wait Till You Hear the Sound of the Girls on the Side

There are no special skills required to sing well in your native language. Words, appropriate intonation, and which syllables can be elongated or pronounced are all second nature to you. Simply memorize the phrases.

It’s even more difficult when you have to sing a song in a foreign language with words you don’t understand and don’t know what they mean! It becomes even more difficult when you have to learn how to pronounce each word correctly. But even with so much pressure, when you achieve it, there is a different kind of happiness.


Three young girls show us what they’ve got in this video, and it’s steel nerves! They came together on “The Voice Kids Russia” to showcase their incredible vocal abilities while also standing as a united team.

They took Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” to a whole new level by singing it in three different languages – Russian, English, and Arabic. Of course, if you know the song, you know that doing it justice in just English, let alone any other language, is a huge accomplishment! Watch their beautiful rendition here:

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